Saturday 14 July 2012

Crocs, Snakes and Big Birds

Day 19 - Saturday 14th July - Crocodiles and Snakes

Today we took a trip down the Daintree River and got to see Crocs like the one below (4.2 mtrs)

and this one..

Then we saw a Python...

The more beautiful trees...

and kids deformed from having too much fun !

Friday 13 July 2012

Day 18- Friday 13th July Happy birthday Mark - double digits 44. Awoken by a brief downpour, early, (again) so up to secure campsite and belongings - not the start Mark was hoping for! Kids went to pool so we actually took a walk along the beach alone! Into Port Douglas for a birthday lunch and a wander around. Nice feel to it - would be nice to have a few days without the kids. World famous 4 Mile Beach is nothing on our beaches. Lovely view from the lookout. Anzac Park is lovely - would be lovely to sit and watch the sun set if the sun ever came out! Humidity is in the 90s so kids swam while the teenager updated her amazing journal. Another walk along the beach to chase cane toads and crabs. Cane toad golf was popular (touch the cane toad with a stick & see how many jumps it does).

Thursday 12 July 2012

Day 17 - Thursday 12th July

Day 17 - Thursday 12th July - Mossman

Mossman Gorge > sun is shining

Day 13 - Sunday - Marathon 3

Day 13 - Sunday - Marathon 3
Up early at 5am to deliver Mark to Cedar Park Resort for the third marathon. Unfortunately his departure time was 9am so we had a wait until start, but spent time over a coffee talking to other competitors from South Australia & Townsville. 
Mark loved the run through scenic rainforest & the biggest fig tree he has ever seen. Tanya & the kids went to Lake Morris / Copperload Dam to meet Mark at checkpoint 1 but he was too fast & we met him descending as we ascended the scenic mountain overlooking Cairns. Such a pretty spot. Arrived at endpoint of marathon just ahead of Mark. Kids ran last 1km with him. Finished on SOS Lookout - a spectacular 360 degree view of Cairns, time of 4:30. What an amazing race to run from Kuranda to Cairns (the long route). Tanya insisted that we make the most of the remaining 2 hours so we went to the Botanical Gardens for a walk through the mangrove boardwalks. Such a pretty place and.......the finale to the uke festival was on at the TANKS (outdoor theatre) but we didn’t stay, just looked at the Uke Art entries & home for an early night. All locals are saying this is the coldest weather that they can remember in Cairns - wouldn’t say 24 is cold but it has threatened rain for 3 days and been windy. Hoping for  sunny skies for tomorrow.

Day 12 - Saturday - Cairns Ukelele festival

 Spent the day in Cairns at the Ukelele festival and markets. Girls got hair wraps and Mark bought a pottery latte cup. Everyone loved the vibe & the fact that we were there for the World Record attempt. James met a Melbourne ukelele icon - Michael Jackson! We officially registered & borrowed ukes from the Council so all of us could be involved. James was so excited just to play one note (red dot - one string - down, down, up, up down). But in usual James style, by the time the attempt and filming took place at 5:30 he was yawning and wiping his eyes, barely awake. He did manage to stay awake, play & make it onto ABC news. Oh & there had to be a mad dash to the toilet with just a few minutes until filming.... and we were in the front row of our green section! Then there was the old bloke next to James, on his deaths bed, who reduced James to tears in the final minutes by telling him not to fiddle with the tuning pegs. Mark’s GoPro filming had to be interrupted for a frantic tuning - not easy with 1400 ukeleles playing around you. Oh & the old guy, didn’t even have his uke the right way round for filming! The GoPro proved worthwhile to get footage above the crowd but Mark was outdone by another GoPro on a much longer handle! We didn’t make the GBR - fell short by 300 ukes but what an unexpected,  fun day.

Friday 6 July 2012

Day 11 - July 6th - Kuranda Marathon 1

Day 11 - July 6th - Kuranda Marathon 1

All up early to get Mark up to Kuranda for his first marathon. A tough run through dense rainforest and he met the dreaded ‘Wait a While’ bush. GoPro let him down for the first time as it went flat half way through. James got his first buster off his scooter attempting to ride down the hill in the park (caught on film of course by Maddy). Most people in their vans witnessed it so he then had to relive the experience and the injuries as everyone asked how he was doing over the course of the day. He says he’s never riding his scooter again! Girls drove to Barron Gorge Hydro Power station and Crystal Cascades. Such a pretty park. Collected Mark from Cedar Park Resort at 2:15 but he was already in - a 5:30 marathon. James & Emily had a swim at the park pool but they had it to themselves as the weather is overcast & coolish. Emily finished her 3rd book - looks like we have to get to a book store!

Marathon 1 - 42.2 KLM Trail

What a great race! Tough single trails through the rainforest, pristine river crossings and beautiful scenery.
Had a really good race - right knee started to pack it in around the 37klm mark but was able to limp home. I think I'll have a rest tomorrow and run the last marathon on Sunday. (MB)

Day 10 - July 5th - Kuranda

Day 10 - July 5th - Kuranda

Mark up relatively early to ride up Kuranda Mountain (with the GoPro attached of course).  A thrilling ride down. Drove to Kuranda - great jewellery for the girls. OUt to Barron Falls. Ukulele festival is on for the next 3 days so we went in to The Hilton to check out hundreds of people learning a song on the uke for Sundays attempt at World Record for the largest number of people playing a song. Surprised to see Niki Bomba (John Butler’s drummer) is a uke artist who has written the song to be performed. Lost parking ticket at Casino .....but assertive Mark said he wasn’t  paying the $20 got away with just paying the standard $6 - go Mark!   

Day 9 - 4th July - Townsville to Cairns - 384 KLM

More white lines and sugar cain ! (MB)

Up early for a walk along Palerandera Bay. Another long drive out of Townsville through Thuringowa. It looked so much nicer than Tanya remembered. Lunch in Cardwell but it was blowing a gale so Hinchinbrook Island was not looking its best today. Emily finished her 2nd book for the trip. Amazing feat seeings as she hasn’t read a book this year! 
The kids must be getting bored with the car travelling as the schoolwork was started...but it was short lived. It was decided that no more would be done until school term resumes. Emily started reading another book instead! Lake Placid Campground is beautiful - Tanya redeemed herself with this choice. Tight next to the lake. Kyaks for hire but there are croc danger signs. Mark did some research on sighting history to find there was a sighting this time last year! It was decided that maybe Lake Placid wasn’t the best place to start water activities in our kyak. Got a lovely campsite at the back of the park. Arrived to find someone in our spot.  Assertive Mark confidently told him to move, which he did, at a painstakingly slow pace, then Mark tells Tanya to back the trailer in just to embarrass the bloke a little more! We are the only tent in the park and the age of the client can be guessed by the fact that there is only one female cubicle with a sanitation bin! 

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Day 8 - 3rd July - Airlie Beach to Townsville - 270 KLM

Day 8 - 3rd July - Airlie Beach to Townsville - 270 KLM 

Great morning of driving and then arrival in Townsville.
Emotions were mixed as we return to Townsville for the 1st time in 8 years after moving back to SCAS.
Beautiful afternoon and then a spectacular sunset and moonrise of Magnetic Island. (MB)

A long drive to ‘the city of Townsville’. Had to stop at the third tropical fruit ‘The Big Mango’. James was glad to eventually get there but there were no mangoes to buy in sight! It was lovely to see the familiar sights again. Tanya never thought she would think that she was happy to see the mountains surrounding Townsville again, but both her & Mark enjoyed driving in 8 years after leaving. The sight looking out to magnetic Island from The Strand was magical. The kids and Tanya enjoyed the Strand. Maddy was first in the lagoon and convinced us all to go in to make it 2/2 for the Queensland lagoons, although it did take Emily a fair amount of coaxing. James also liked the flying fox. Mark surprised the family by hiring a luxurious cabin overlooking Palerandera Bay. Watched the sunset and the spectacular moon rise while having a drink and playing  some guitar, shaker was short lived. Yes, GoPro got another workout.  Ventured up Castle Hill to view the fairy lights of Townsville - such a pretty sight. (TB)

Photo Of The Day - The Strand Townsville

Sunday 1 July 2012

Day 7 - 2nd July - Airlie Beach - A day on the Reef

Day 7 - 2nd July - Airlie Beach - A day on the Reef

Airlie Beach

Woke to gusty winds which left us wishing that we were out on the Whitsundays on the perfect previous day. The biggest decision of the day was to sit at the front of the raft and cop the 40 knot winds or sit at the back where it was smoother but get wet. James decided sleeping was the best way to deal with the situation. Had a thrilling ride with some nice sized waves being created from the winds. Despite the winds, Whitehaven Beach was still spectacular. The weather started to deteriorate for lunch on Whitehaven beach so no surprise that the Brown’s were the only people from the boat who chose to swim on the island - we were determined to get our money’s worth regardless of the weather.  On to Luncheon Bay & Manteray Bay for snorkelling where we saw some amazing coral formations and heaps of fish. Mark of course, had the GoPro on hand to get some great underwater shots. Tanya nearly wet herself when she saw the big gropers and trevally. Maddy overcame her fear of coldness to join in the snorkelling. Emily learnt that it is not normal for the mask to be filled with water. There was no stopping James getting in the open water to experience our Great Barrier Reef. 

Day 6 - 1st July - Airlie Beach

Day 6 - 1st July - Airlie Beach 

Mark up early for a bike 50KLM  ride out to Prosperpine. Apparently it was a beautiful sunrise but he was the only one that was up early enough to see it. Of course the GoPro snapped  many photos. A busy day seeing the sights around Airlie: Cedar Creek Falls where part of Nim’s Isand was filmed, on to a pretty little village - Conway Beach, for our first glimpse of the Whitsundays. Back to Airlie Lagoon for a swim and the first underwater filming with the GoPro. Finished off with a drive to Lions Lookout to witness the aqua waterways of the whitsundays - just beautiful. Kids enjoyed the kids movie back at our glampground.

Day 5 - 30th June - RockHampton - Airlie Beach - 484 KLM

Day 5 - 30th June - RockHampton - Airlie Beach - 484 KLM

Long drive to get to the Whitsundays for a couple of days rest. Time was passed with Mark using the GoPro to capture every 30secs of the trip and attempting to teach Tanya the basic shaker rhythm, with which she struggled. She has a greater appreciation for the percussionist (particularly those who can hold a consistent rhythm longer than a verse). As for jazz in 7/6 time - no chance. The signs suggested trivia was a good way to stay alert ...but the signs only asked 1  question. Driving through the mountains and sugar cane was pretty but still no sightings of the water. Pulled in to Airlie Big4 mid afternoon.   Another first - powered tent site. Glamping (glamorous camping) is new to us and we are impressed. Can’t believe what we have been missing out on. Mark happy to have his Nespresso & appliances charged, the kids are happy to have a pool, mini golf, jumping pillow & park & Tanya’s happy that everyone else is happy! Saturday night in Airlie Beach is very busy with live music in each pub but kids not allowed so back to our palace we went.
Day 4 - 29th June - Hervey Bay - Rockhampton - 397KLM

Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 3 - 28th June - Hervey Bay

Day 3 - 28th June -  Hervey Bay 

I braved the elements for a 22 KLM early morning training run around town. Ran out to the end of the Pier which was a cool experience. Later to day we did a bit of site seeing (again in the rain). 

Love this scarf!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 2 - 27th June

Day 2 Evans - Hervey Bay 510 KLM

Awoke to rain - not too much exposed in the trailer but tent and mattresses are on top and are wet.
Shocking road conditions. Tanya's idea to stop at Big Pineapple for lunch break - bad mistake. She's been given 1 more chance to choose! Great to be here -  tomorrow we go exploring !

Check out the rain !!

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 1 - 26th June

Day 1 Port Macquarie - Evan Head - 370 KLM

Basically drove all day. Stop at the Big Banana for lunch and then powered on to Evan Head.
Spent the night catching up with Chris, Jo and Ellen. Great night !

Tanya's Thoughts....

ETD 1100

5 hours to departure - Red car reverses into white van. A broken taillight and a dented rear guard. My fault for parking the van behind the car or Mark's fault for not looking as he reversed? Stay calm.... we haven't left yet.

2 hours to go - Will it all fit? Maybe we should have had a trial run or packed yesterday? Predicted rain today -those clouds are getting very dark.

1.5 hours to go - Maddy realises her joggers are in the drama room at school. Should have got them organised as mum asked on Saturday.

1 hour to go - Emily finds my glasses that had been missing for 2 weeks. :)

30 mins to go - Mark doesn't have his wallet

1100 we hit the road as planned, after a few unexpected events, as it starts to sprinkle rain. I thought it would never arrive.....let the journey begin.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Saturday 23 June 2012